
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Feeling Uninspired

Sometimes it hits us, inspiration. Other times it takes a while to gently build up.

Lately I’ve been feeling uninspired in many ways. I have no clue about my career, relationships, art, travel choices. The invigorating, exciting motivation that drives you to make crazy choices that may or may not work out but always leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized, has left me alone and feeling blah.

No matter how many times I try to make changes, nothing seems to be quite right. Perhaps I need a huge change rather than the small ones I have been taking. Bravery will be necessary. Or perhaps some great act of stupidity that I can look back on in 50 years and consider a perfect decision.

Anyone have any ideas of how to get my spark back? I’m at a loss as to how to regain the motivation and inspiration that has been missing from my life recently.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The top 5 reasons why I enjoyed the ‘Amazing Spiderman’

5. Andrew Garfield's goofy smile:

So cute.
Unlike most action hero spunks Andy (yes I will call him that, we’re close now that he's my secret boyfriend) doesn’t look all chiselled and tough. He looks normal and vulnerable and kind - just the kind of superhero that would totally date a normal girl.

Plus he reminds me of someone I know who I remember as being really nice– I just can’t figure out who!

4. Blonde Emma Stone:

Aside from the fact she is a brilliant actor and comedian it’s because of this movie she dyed her hair back to her natural blonde, thus leading to these great beauty looks and inspiring me to dye my hair back to blonde after a year of being a dark brunette.

3. Aunt May and Uncle Ben:

So much love between two people. It shows how I want my relationship to be like after 30+ years of marriage – containing a sense of humour and ever forgiving love. Plus, I love the meatloaf line.

2. This scene:

So very sweet, there just seems to be a lot of love and caring between these two – and it’s a little bit sweet how much she cares and how much he seems to want to make her happy.

1. Dat Ass.

What can I say?

Photo Links: (from top) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.