
Friday, August 10, 2012

And I shall shout my thoughts from the rooftops so that all the world will hear...

“I think writers are the most narcissistic people. Well, I musn't say this, I like many of them, a great many of my friends are writers.”
Sylvia Plath

It's a daily battle against 'those people' .

The Up themselves. The Too confident. The Not so modest.

Not because they are rude or demeaning, I just don’t understand them. How is it that they can share their achievements, goals, thoughts and opinions so freely to any Tom, Dick, or Channing that happens to make eye contact? And this isn't just a real life situation, this is relevant to bloggers, journalists, Instagram 'selfie' takers.

I may also be a little jealous.

As a fairly shy person, for most of my life I have been wary of relaying thoughts that seem narcissistic in fear of being held up as being obnoxious or uppity. It’s just how I do. My mother is the same, neither of us are overly confident in expressing our pride or our confidence, and are not the types to tell the cashier at the shops about our achievements.

This is why I don’t have Twitter and rarely update my Facebook status. Who would want to hear what I have to say unless it’s important or something I find exceptionally witty (which although I find myself hilarious at all times, I don’t share in writing so I don’t get labelled as a pretentious over-sharer).

This is why, as a novice writer and blogger I have found it hard to update frequently. Who would want to hear my thoughts? I have a lot of opinions and ideas, but never the nerve to shout it from the proverbial rooftops. When it comes to sharing a project or outfit, something me-centric, I am paralysed with fear and can never press publish or never speak up.

It seems as though to be a successful writer you need to have a level of self confidence that surpasses the norm in order to feel that what you have to say is worthy of being heard and should be read by all.

Does anyone out there feel that in sharing their thoughts with the world they are doing a public disservice by putting more narcissism into the atmosphere - or are you a free sharer who will tell anyone with a pulse about your lifetime of achievements in bread making, your year 7 long jump win and your incredible proficiency at slamming down tequila?

Do you think narcissism comes hand in hand with being a writer?

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